LinkedIn Solutions


John is growing his business

It's a startup, so John needs to be very selective about what he should spend money on.


He appreciates the value of the LinkedIn network and can handle some virtual chats but is not sure how to find the right people there. No worries, it’s all our job now!


John decided to go with the Builder option. For only $400* per month, he’s now getting 400 curated and targeted monthly LinkedIn invites; custom and personalized "Thank You" messages to those targeted contacts after connecting. All John's connections meet his pre-defined target prospect criteria.


Joe is worried about high-quality connections

Joe doesn't have a lot of time but still needs help with lead generation.


As Joe has less time than John he chose the Climber option. What’s the difference? We’ve got him fully covered, but it’s still a bit more affordable than the Leader 😉


What did Joe get for only $510* per month? Well, it’s not only 400 curated and targeted monthly LinkedIn invites and 500 direct messages to First Degree LinkedIn connections of his choice... It’s also prospecting, conversation management geared toward drawing engaged and unengaged prospects into deeper conversations and meetings, follow-ups, categorizing contacts, and much more. So while Joe is heads down with a new project we are working hard to bring him highly qualified leads.

BitWide LinkedIn solutions Leader



Bob is a mature businessman, who hasn't got plenty of time but needs some help with lead generation.


He decided to outsource the most time consuming part of the sales process. What he chose is the Leader Package that will help him to engage with his prospects even more.


Bob subscribed to BitWide Leader for $1110* per month. Now he knows that he will be fully covered with conversation management that is geared toward drawing engaged and unengaged prospects into deeper conversations and meetings; unengaged prospects retargeted through email campaigns, and strong prospects brought to his immediate attention for followup.

This price is available if you subscribe for a year. 

Learn more about our solutions today!​