Content Creation

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Why Content Creation?

If you are sitting and reading this right now you recognize that good content gets eyeballs. Eyeballs turn into leads and leads turn into sales. Obviously simply writing a lot isn’t enough. 

The content needs to be useful, use specific terms that your prospects are looking for and be compelling. Low bounce rates and high engagement are key indicators of a successful content campaign. This is where we come in.

Dig in to the Process

We start with defining your target market… who is your buyer? Who will be searching for what you offer? Once we understand who is likely to buy your product or service we build a content building strategy that will support a campaign designed to bring people into your site. Each piece of content is created after an interview with you or people on your team. We take the results away and write.

Once complete, you will review and approve or edit as desired. We can upload it to your website or blog if we have access. Alternatively you can do that part on your own. We are ghost writing this for you so it is your content to do with as you please. We will also be monitoring search engine results to ensure the content is doing its job relative to the search terms you are targeting. 

Our Strong Points

Strategic Sales Design
Sales based Neuro Psychology
Focus and Discipline
Human Driven
Time Value
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Customized Content Strategy

Your needs are unique to you, your organization and your prospects. Those prospects are both part of a company that will work with you based on their overall needs but you are also selling to the person. Our content will be designed to provide information to the prospect searching for your services – when they come looking you will be there waiting.

Our evaluation system, idea generation and tactical writing in English by a native English speaker will build a foundation you need but likely don’t have the time for. You are involved in each step and we guide you through everything you need to know and think about. However, the end result of the program we initiate will be unique to you and your organization. Kinda like snowflakes, no two strategies are exactly the same.

We are knowledgeable and experienced

With Decades of sales experience on our team and our data driven knowledge based approach we have the experience you need on your team. However, it isn’t only about our know-how and time invested in doing what we do. It’s about grit, persistence, consistency, focus and discipline. 

When you work with us you get the best of both worlds. Tenacity and Experience. It’s what makes us great.

We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?

LinkedIn Services

From simply building your network to full conversation management and meeting set up, we are super connectors on LinkedIn for you.

Email Marketing

Through strategic email campaigns, we help you create highly effective emails are promoting your brand and increase sales

Fractional Sales

Want to fully outsource your team, even on a part-time basis? - Yes we can do that too!

Want To Boost Your Business Today?

drop us a line and keep in touch

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