TOP 7 Tools That Every Sales Professional Will Need To Use In 2021

Sales Tools

Our clients have asked us a few times about the tools sales reps should use.

We only ask one question: How robust is your sales technology stack?

This is why it’s important to first look at your sales process when determining what you need in your stack.

According to Hubspot: “Only 24.3% of salespeople exceeded their quota last year.”

A CRM tool alone isn’t enough to effectively communicate with customers or identify prospects.

Top 7 tools that every sales professional will need to use in 2021

At BitWide, we utilize the Inbound Sales Methodology to help shape our sales process. This approach includes the processes the sales person will take based upon the stage of the buyer’s buying cycle (Awareness, Consideration, Decision).

We’ve compiled a list of the top types of technology that should be in every sales team’s stack to help you get started. How do you feel about the stack you have?

1. CRM 

close crm bitwide

Use CRM to manage your pipeline where you can manage all your leads effectively. You’re more organized and you can close your pipeline at a higher rate. You can use tools like Close, which is an excellent tool to keep track of your sales pipeline.

Some of the features include:

  • Two-Way Email Syncing
  • Built-In Calling
  • Built-In SMS
  • Video-Calls and Conferencing

2. Video conferencing 

zoom bitwide

Since most meetings are virtual nowadays, use tools like Zoom or Google Meet for video conferencing with prospects and leads.

  • You can send a calendar invite for an upcoming meeting for a face-face conversation.
  •  It works particularly well for prospects that are outside of your area and are on a schedule, but can still talk to you on video and that builds some trust and makes you appear as if you are a savvy and updated salesperson.

3. Easy appointment schedules

calendly bitwide

Instead of wasting time with back and forth emails, schedule online meetings with Calendly’s free online appointment scheduling software. You can show your prospects your availability and offer them different types of meetings they may book with you. This app is a great fit for anyone who gets a lot of meeting requests and needs a simple yet clear response.

What’s even better? You can link up to six calendars to a single Calendly account to show a more complete picture of your availability.

4. Try and use video emails

BombBomb bitwide

The email tool BombBomb allows you to include a video of you speaking to your leads. Video prospecting actually takes less time than crafting personalized email copy, and it is always helpful to have a voice and a face for the brand you are representing.

  • It is a great way to engage with prospects and deliver your message to them.
  • It makes you look ahead of the game, and not just that, but you’ve managed to be etched in prospects’ memories (Just like John Smith here)

5. Direct messaging on Social Media 

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The key these days is approaching and engaging with your prospects on social media. With social media you can collect leads to find people who might be interested in your company. In addition to keeping in touch with potential customers, it will allow you to make special offers or share news with them.

Regardless of the platform, find out which platform your ideal customer spends the most time on and reach out to them on that platform.

It can be Linkedin Sales Navigator, Facebook or Instagram.

6. Text Messaging 

text messaging bitwide

Text messaging is the gold standard and remains quite effective to date. It is a great way of communicating directly with prospects and not just by email and phone calls.

According to a recent statistic, more than 90% of all text messages are read within five minutes or less.

  • A lot of people prefer text messaging these days as opposed to a phone call.
  • Google Voice is an excellent tool that allows you to do text messaging.

7. Digital Gift Cards

TOP 7 Tools That Every Sales Professional Will Need To Use In 2021

Sometimes they say, it’s better to give than to receive. Giving your prospects and leads gifts oftentimes opens the door to close a deal. This gesture usually opens the door to more prospects and business.

A great website called has a lot of great ecards with lots of options from restaurants to men and women’s packaged deals.

It is very fast and easy to use.

As Oleg Sergykin, a Quora user points out that: “Inside sales tools refers to ones that help a sales team close deals from inside your office. These tools cover a wide range of functionality with lots of potential options that offer a significant amount of functionality if you want to connect and engage with more prospect”.

That being said, rather than just treating these stats as hard and fast rules, allow them to inspire you to solve problems in innovative ways. And remember that data and information only matter when you use them to make the right decisions and take the right actions.

Now let’s close some more deals!

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